Misophonia is the title of the first album from GO BY LUCK. To accompany the record I build a hyperzine - a virtual magazine - where listeners could interact with the album and the thoughts surrounding the album, from other perspectives. The result was a coded application, where listeners could read stories from the creation of the album, listen to unreleased demoes and songs and watch graphics unfold with sounds.
The objective was to create an interactive experience, that would communicate the atmosphere of the misophonia album but in a digital space. When working on the project, it was helping full imagine the site being like a page in a book or a room in a house. Both the content in the room and the transition from room to room, were important to ensure the attention on the experience - and album - was being kept throughout the listener's journey through the hyperzine.
There are many interactions that were explored in the hyperzine, in particular, a challenge was to create interesting but still quickly resolving interactions that would resolve the listeners keeping on listening to the album, while further exploring the hyperzine. This was achieved by exploring and changing formats, from creative galleries, where images would change on highlight, to gifs being used as live images folding up as sound was played, among many other ideas.
The misophonia front page
Introduction paragraph to the misophonia hyperzine
A selection of sounds from the misophonia album
An image gallery in the hyperzine
More images from the gallery
Album sleeve notes